Pierce's Milestones
First smile: March 1st - 2 days old
Roll over (front to back): July 4th - 18 wks old
Roll over (back to front): July 11th - 19 wks old
First solid food: Prunes, July 26th - 21 wks old
Holding Bottle: 22-23 wks old
First word: "Da Da", Aug 9th - 23 wks old
Second word: "Mama", Sept 10th - 27 wks old
Army-Man Crawl: Sept 13th - 28 wks old
Full-Blown Crawl: Sept 20th - 29 wks old
Pull-up-to-a-stand: Sept 27th - 30 wks old
Eating Cherios: Oct 11th - 32 wks old
No-Hands Balancing: Nov 15th - 37 wks old
Taking Steps: Dec 14th - 41 wks old
Ah...alas the day has come and Pierce has been put into daycare. We found a great in-home provider that, as it ends up, I actually went to high school with. She is close to us and we also have a friend and co-worker whose child is also there, so that makes me feel even better. He will be there part time for 2 weeks and then begin going full-time.Well, Pierce has had a hard time this week. He is not used to other kids being around and has had a hard time taking naps. Typical Hunt mentality...he has to be going all of the time and has not time to stop and nap. I know that this isn't a Hammond trait because sleep is considered very valuable for that side of the family. He's also had to "cry it out" because Melissa at daycare has to put him down every so often. Poor baby! When I picked him up he was crying and it hurt my heart so bad. He would do these little sad sighs that just KILLED ME!
So, me being the "fixer" that I am, I got on craigslist and found a Jumperoo to take over there. Its different than the one we have at home, but better suited for the daycare place because it breaks down easily for storage. Pierce just loves to bounce as I'm sure you've seen on the blog pictures. Hopefully this will help free Melissa's hands up so she can attend to the other kids she has and Pierce can be entertained at the same time. Cry it out? Psh!!!
NOTE: Here Pierce is with Melissa at 5 months old. He has adjusted well and he seems to love her.